Hier geht’s zu dieser Seite auf Deutsch: Silke Noll – Trainings und Consulting
Silke is a certified seminar facilitator, trainer and consultant for intercultural competencies, communication and teambuilding as well as certified as a personal coach (NLP-Master). She has published the – so far – first two books about intercultural communication in New Zealand, one of them translated into English.
As an Accredited Kanban Trainer by Kanban University, Kanban Coaching Professional, Kanban Product Professional, Kanban Management Professional, Enterprise Agile Coach, certified Scrum Master (PSM) and Product Owner, Silke has a successful track record in corporate culture change and transformation, on management, team and personal level. This broadens her understanding of “culture” and has seen Silke training and coaching in Oceania and Europe, in small and large organisations, government and private organisations.
Silke is the founder of the Kanban New Zealand meetup group and youtube channel.
She is passionate about people, learning, coaching and training, and about helping to inspire individuals, teams and organisations in all walks of life, giving them the knowledge and tools to make a difference.
Overall, Silke has 25+ years of professional experience in many IT- and finance-related projects, and also as a salesperson in investment and retail banking, management consultant, business analyst and test consultant.
Please find below more information on Kanban and intercultural training. Here you can book a 30 minutes mentoring / consulting / coaching zoom call to understand how Silke might be able to help with Kanban / Agile / ways of working and intercultural topics. If you are seeking advice on immigrating to New Zealand and are interested in the current market and cultural topics (no visa advice!!!), please book this link for a 30-minutes zoom call for only €49.90. On Silke's accomodation and travel page you can find lots of advice for your NZ travels, especially about Wellington and the North Island. Advice that you wouldn't normally find in your travel guide, and that don't follow the typical route almost every NZ tourist follows. Among other things unique cafés and restaurants, NZ podcasts, travel literature and the newest guides, art map and craft beer trail, boutique wineries, tramping (hiking) and biking, tips on payment options, some great NZ TV documentaries, and much more. If the advice is not enough and you don't know where to start with planning your travels, you can book an individual 30-minutes zoom call for €49.90 with me. After the call, you'll be able to get on your own research a lot more focused and customised to your own liking.
How can Silke help with project management / ways of working / Kanban / agility:
- Highly efficient dependency management.
- Finally some backlog management that works and complements any Product skills!
- Efficient portfolio and multi-project / -product management across multiple teams.
- From Strategy to Backlog to Delivery.
- Delivering the right things at the right time, and in the desired quality.
- Delivering fit-for-purpose products and services to your customers.
- Relief of overburdening on individual and organisational level.
- Using data and metrics that can actually improve things.
- A deep understanding of (organizational) culture and people through being a Certified Intercultural Trainer.
- Outcome-oriented facilitation.
- Tangible improvements within weeks, not months or years.
Upcoming Kanban classes (all classes are also available as inhouse training)
- 13/02/25 Scrum Better with Kanban (fullday during the week)
- 20/02/25 Team Kanban Practitioner (fullday during the week)
- 28/02-03/03/25 Kanban System Design online (Fr evening, Sat, Sun afternoon, Mon evening)
- 14-17/03/25 Kanban Systems Improvement online (Fr evening, Sat, Sun afternoon, Mon evening).
- 14-20/03/25 Kanban for Design and Innovation (Fr evening, Sat afternoon, Thursday fullday).
- 20/03/24 Kanban for Design and Innovation extension (fullday during the week).
- 23-24/06/25 in Berlin timezone Team Kanban Practitioner online (afternoon during the week)
Recommendable Kanban-related books: Discovering Kanban (2023) from the founder of the Kanban Method. A very personal story from the origins and evolution of the Method, to why it is what it is today. Fit For Purpose 5th Anniversary Edition: Synthesizing Customer Experience with Strategy for Accelerated Business Results (2023). Some different approaches to Product and Customer Experience. Kanban Maturity Model: A Map to Organizational Agility, Resilience, and Reinvention (2020). A customer of mine once called it the best business book on the market. This is not about the maturity of the Kanban Method; it's about organizational maturity.
Intercultural training: Key training, coaching and consulting aspects:
- Culture specific training: Germany, New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands, France, Italy, Spain, UK
- Cultural awareness training and coaching
- Individual coaching, also over a longer period of time, mostly new immigrants to Oceania
- Teambuilding
- Outcome-focused, effective facilitation of cultural change
- in teams (Agile transformation, international M&As, etc.).
- on management level through leadership styles.
- with respect to corporate goals (financially and strategically), including buy-in through all organizational levels.
Current, pervious and examples of intercultural courses (all classes are also available as inhouse training)
- Cross-cultural competency New Zealand, virtual in English, 6x2hours.
- Auf Anfrage: Interkulturelles Training Neuseeland, online in deutscher Sprache, 6×2 Stunden.
- Intercultural awareness training – your start into intercultural agility.
- 03/06/24 in Berlin: Intercultural awareness training – your start into intercultural agility.
- 01/11/24 in Sydney: Intercultural awareness training – your start into intercultural agility.
- customised intercultural training (see above for specialist areas)
Here is a brand new book (January 2025) Silke has contributed to from a New Zealand perspective: Global Cultural Interplay: Elevating the Art of Buiness Success Across Cultures.
Okaloa Flowlab
- Okaloa Flowlab Teamflow simulation (in-person and virtual version):
Through simulating a conventional work environment that reflects a mechanistic mindset characterised by a focus on resource efficiency, command and control and specialist workers, participants experience which roadblocks need to be overcome. As the team is taking its first baby steps into agile, they will experiment (in 2 or 3 rounds) with policies and practices (e.g. pull of work, cadences, limiting WIP) that enable collaboration, get the team into flow, and allow an agile mindset to emerge. Weaved into the simulations they will discover the fundamental difference between resource efficiency and flow efficiency.
- Okaloa Flowlab Workflow simulation (in-person and virtual version):
In most organisations work is handed over from one specialist role to another, following a certain sequence, also known as a workflow. Workflow cannot be ignored as it is an important part of how work is organised in most organisations, even including agile organisations. Participants will experience workflow (loopbacks) and dependencies. With this simulation we are simulating a typical workflow as defined in e.g. Jira or any other tracking system, whereby work goes from one person to another, and back in case of loopbacks. The Workflow simulation shows what Kanban really is about – differentiating between proto-kanban and Kanban as well as teaching how to deal with back-flow.
- Okaloa Flowlab Competence simulation (in-person and virtual version):
What happens when you have specialist workers involved when delivering value to the customer? When you rely on specialist workers, you automatically create dependencies, i.e. key man dependencies, and dependencies between work items. The purpose of this simulation is to experience bottlenecks as a result of assigning work to the specialist. This simulation is relevant when you want to introduce the concept of staff liquidity. It can be used in environments where methods like e.g. Kanban and Scrum are applied.
- Okaloa Flowlab Multi-team simulation (in-person and virtual version):
This simulation allows an experience of flow and collaboration across multiple teams that need to work together to deliver value. Individual teams can be competence, component or technology teams each with their own area of specialisation. They could even be feature teams (full-stack teams) to the extent that each feature team focusses on its own feature set (e.g. check-out, …). The simulation demonstrates multi-tiered flow and collaboration across 2 different levels: 1) the request level and 2) work item level. One of the elements of this simulation is to experience bottlenecks in a multi-team context and the effects of this on delivering value. This simulation is relevant in combination with methods that address scaling.
- Okaloa Flowlab Value Stream (virtual version only):
Many organisations struggle with the phenomena: performance versus cost versus quality and time pressure. Trying to validate all assumptions upfront will in the end lead to bad quality because at a certain point you will be faced with pressure to deliver and then suddenly the item is rushed through the system. Not agreeing on requirements might lead to high risk of failure further in the value stream. But how to find turning point, moment that you know you are over assessing. The urge to get everything cleared out makes that in the end we feel time pressure and we deliver bad quality. In this simulation participants experience the end-to-end flow along a value creation process, from customer request to delivery to the customer. It addresses dealing with assumptions of the upstream, hand-offs and loopbacks.